School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

University of Wuppertal





Apply now for winter semester 2025/26 - application deadline: 15 Feb 2025 !

Welcome to the MSc Programme Computer Simulation in Science


The M.Sc. programme Computer Simulation in Science (CSiS) focuses on the development, implementation and application of computer-oriented simulation techniques and methods to modern research problems in natural sciences and engineering. All courses of this M.Sc. programme are taught in English language.

CSiS has been re-accredited since 01.10.2020.

New as of 2025: CSiS degree is part of MATHS DISC - a new Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme co-funded by the European Union.
Maths Disc graduates will be awarded a Joint Master Degree.


The CSiS MSc programme lasts for 4 semesters (2 years) and has a total of 120 ECTS credits. Students who successfully complete the program will be awarded the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.).

Students will take elective courses in one of the following specializations of their choice:

Preliminary knowledge at Bachelor's level in the chosen specialization as well as knowledge of at least one programming language is required.

Cooperations have been established with FZ Jülich.

Key areas


University of Wuppertal

School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

CSiS study programme

Head: Prof. Dr. Francesco Knechtli

CSiS Secretariat & International Office of School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Dipl.-Ök. Susanne vom Brocke

Room: F.10.05

Phone: +49 202 439 2594

mail: csis[at]

CSiS website administrator: Susanne vom Brocke