School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


International Students Team

Experience shows that the first days in a new city and a new environment are the hardest. Situations like doing the first grocery shopping or trying to find a lecture hall quickly become pretty exhausting. Since most of the members of the International Students Team know that from experience we decided to support foreign students during their stay in Wuppertal.

Sometimes it is very hard to get information about studying abroad. Quite a lot of us made countless phone calls, talked to many different people and yet didn’t really know what to expect. If you have trouble getting information about studying in Wuppertal you’re welcome to contact us and we will try to help you. To make your arrival in Wuppertal easier we offer you to pick you up at the main station, show you the student dormitories and your room. Also we accompany you when you have to sign your lease, register and sign up at our university.

There will be a “welcome week” every semester. You can take part in guided tours through the university and Wuppertal, join us when we go bowling and show you some pubs afterwards. We will organize some parties and excursions, too. We will be persons to turn to for you during your whole stay in Wuppertal. If you have any problems don’t bother to contact us, we’ll be happy to help you. We are looking forward to meet you!

Last modified: 20.07.2024

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